Sunday, September 7, 2008

When It Rains, It Pours

So I'm beginning to feel the overwhelming responsibility of parenthood! Wasn't life so much easier before we became adults and decided to bring these little people into the world who completely depend on us? Don't get me wrong, I love my little angels but the two of them continue to scare me to death. Now that the whole Hailey broken arm thing is winding down (although the doctor bills are stacking up) We have now discovered that Travis has a heart murmur. Hailey had one as a baby too, but we knew that the day she was born. Our pediatrician just discovered this a few days ago at his 2 month check-up, but you know with my kids nothing surprises me anymore. Tomorrow we check into River Bend Hospital once again, but this time for an ultrasound of Travis's heart. Wish us luck, and please keep the little guy in your prayers. With any luck they will find nothing, or at least just a tiny hole that will go away like his sisters. I tell you, my children have bad timing! Because Kelly was laid off our insurance runs out at the end of the month. I don't know how many of you have ever looked into the price of health insurance, but lets just say it's highway robbery. The good thing is that we know that the Lord blesses us in times like these, so we know that everything should work out for the best...again please keep us in your prayers.


Kirsten said...

Kim I understand P developed a murmur when he was 2 and it didn't go away in a "normal" amount of time so we too had to go in for the scan. It is so scary as a mom to think that something could be wrong with your children. It makes me feel so helpless. P's came back fine and a year later it was gone. I understand about the woes of health insurance bills, we have private indurance, ouch!!! But better to have it then go with out. We will keep you guys in our prayers.

rachel said...

Delaney, too, has had this scan where they figured out she has an ASD, atrial septal defect. We get it checked out again at a year old. I feel your pain. It's not easy seeing our babies go through stuff like this.

Hang in there. You have great faith and like you said, Heavenly Father will bless you in times of need.

You are a wonderful mother and I love getting to know you in the mother's lounge. :)

Mark and Shauna said...

My goodness Kim! That saying is so true- for some reason it all just comes at once. Hang in there! We'll be keeping you guys in our prayers! We loved see you guys in OR:).

Carissa said...

If you need any help don't hesitate to call. You know I'm always up for retail therapy! :) Even though neither of us can buy anything, it's nice to get out of the house and think about nothing but what the store windows have to offer.

Alli said...

Well, OF COURSE, insurance is running out as soon as you find out you really need it. We'll be praying for you!

LeaAnne said...

We are thinking about you and your little family and praying that everything will soon calm down:) I love ya girl!

Lisa said...

Isn't it nice to have the "umbrella" of the gospel so that you know the Lord will be with you every step of the way? And so will your family and friends. luv ya