Sorry for the order of these pictures, they are a little mixed up. This was Travis's pumpkin that his father carved. He was very proud of his handy work.
Poor Hailey was so tired on Halloween, but was so excited to finally see what all this Trick or Treating talk was about. She got a little annoyed with all the pictures I made her sit through.
This was after Trick or Treating, my little cowgirl was super happy, and fully energized by her candy.
What super cute costumes, Kim! Looks like your nephew and Christian were dressed the same that night. Fun stuff!!
How cute! I loved the costumes and the pic of Kelly smiling. Nice work! Can't wait to move closer to you guys.
sorry that last post was from me Ashlee. I was signed in under Jeff's name.
I love those pictures. Their costumes were awesome! I had seen Travis' but not Hailey's. What a cute cowgirl! We really need to dress the kids up and take a picture of them together. The horse, the cow, and the cowgirl! I especially like the picture of Hailey on the table with all the jack-o-lanterns. (Kelly smiling is pretty funny too.) We should get together today since I'm awake so early!!
I LOVE their costumes- what a cute idea! They look so darn cute!
Cute, CUTE, Cute Kim!!
Your kids look darling and I think you look cute too! ;)
What a great Mommy!
That is a cute picture of Ben and Hailey. I liked your light up mouse ears too. I should have taken a picture of you at my door. I notice you've changed your blog again...I haven't! :)
The kids look so cute!! I must say the pink hat does not go with the red outfit...but she is so darling who cares if it is a fashion faux pa!
What cute kids! They are adorable! We're glad that we found you guys! Hope you are doing well! We miss you guys! Let us know when you are in town, we'd love to catch up! Our blog address is Take care!
The Hills
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