Saturday, December 6, 2008

It Finally Happend!!!

Do you ever feel like all of the effort you put into parenting is for nothing? Kelly and I have tried and tried to get Hailey to show the slightest bit of interest in the potty, but the darn kid has never thrown her parents a bone. We have sat her on the potty repeatedly, we have sat next to her on the potty, we have bribed the kid with potty treats, we have filled her full of liquid then ran the faucet, we have had her watch her cousins go potty, we have tried about everything..and for what? NOTHING! One time Hailey even ran out of the bathroom, yelled at me "no mommy, I won't go potty," then stood on the carpet and tinkled. I wanted to kill her.
Well, we pretty much had given up the whole potty thing for good. But then today a light in the darkness shone through and has made us hope like never before. We came home today, and I told Hailey that I had to go potty before I could get her something to eat. She said "OK mommy, me too," then walked off. I stayed for a moment in the kitchen, then went to go to the bathroom where I couldn't believe what I saw in front of me. There was Hailey on the potty going pee pee all by herself, diaper off and all. Kelly and I were shocked, but never more proud. I think this is one of those defining moments in parenthood, ha, ha. It was amazing! Well, needless to say Hailey got a big bowl of ice cream, and now we will simply wait for her to surprise us again I guess.


Teresa said...

Glory, glory, alleluia! Jenna was like that, too. One day it was like a switch was flipped and she used the potty from that day forward. That is a stinkin' cute potty picture. I'm happy for you guys!

Carissa said...

Way to go Hailey!! Congratulations Kim, it looks like things might finally be moving forward on the "potty front".

LeaAnne said...

YAHOOOOOOOO!! So you girls come over and we can get Haily to teach Lilly! ;)
Way to go PeePee girl~

Lisa said...

Congratulations! May she do it again sometime in the next 6 months :) (Sorry to be cynical, but you know I am in the midst of the same fight-power struggle-bribery-can't get a scooter unless-waiting game, and I have thought we were on the brink of potty training several times. May your girl be faster than my boy!)

Alli said...

Hooray! Hopefully it will only be forward progression from here on.

Mark and Shauna said...

Woohoo!!!!! That is a priceless picture of Hailey! Hopefully it is an every day thing now- we'll keep our fingers crossed for you!