Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I cant believe how I've spent the last 40 minutes of my life...I know they say that two's are terrible, but at the Weber household two is just plain psycho!!!

It all started when Hailey refused to take a nap this afternoon, and worsened when I attempted to go grocery shopping a little later. A much desired peaceful shopping trip ended up with a screaming Hailey either on my hip or trying to jump out of the cart the whole time. That I could handle, but I must admit she was wearing me down. So around dinner time, Hailey came up to me and demanded that I take her to the potty and help her go. Now let me just clarify for those who think I may have overreacted to her demand. Hailey is perfectly able to use the potty all by herself, and had been doing so for months. She simply has a nasty streak in her, that tops the charts when she is tired.

Well, I told her "no", then pointed out to her that she did not need help, and the potty was just down the hall. She went crazy and began to throw tantrum after tantrum until she REALLY had to go potty. She was dancing around and holding her crotch, but refused to use the potty unless I carried her there and sat her on it. Well, that was definitely NOT going to happen, and the battle of wills continued. She even got so desperate for relief that she ran into the bathroom screaming to use the potty, then remembered that she wanted me to do it, and ran back out to yell at me! This happened about 3 different times, and I didn't quite know how to react to that... The girl in nuts. I was also taking care of her sick brother at time, and she was scaring him by screaming and yelling, and hitting me. When the hitting started, I put the baby down, and put her on time out...She didn't stay on time out of coarse, she just kept on hitting and screaming at me.

Well, I warned her that if she peed on the floor, she was going straight to bed...After holding it as long as she possibly could, I heard an "uh oh mommy!" She peed her pants on the floor, and was thrown into bed. She was so tired that she didn't even fight me too much, She tried to get out 2 0r 3 times, then gave up and fell asleep.

Can you believe that? I am so glad that that is over, but since she is clearly even more stubborn then I was as as child, I have my work cut out for me in the years to come I'm sure. Wish me luck!


Ashlee said...

Wow that is funny. I love that she is more stubborn than you were. Good thing you stuck to your guns though I bet she will go potty next time. I love that polka dot dress! See you in just a few days!!!

Carissa said...

Oh Kim, What a night. When we talked on the phone we knew it might be rough, but I don't think I would have guessed it would be this bad. At least she is asleep now. Oh and it's a good thing that she is so darn cute, I think that makes it easier to not be mad at her. :) Although I'm not her Mom so maybe it doesn't help.

rachel said...

Hang in there. It'll get better... in about 16 years!!!! lol
Love ya. Be strong. Stick to your guns.
And I agree with Carissa: at least she's CUTE!

Kim said...

Trust me, the fact that she's cute does not help that much...OK, maybe a little :)

Laura said...

That sounds all too familiar. Sydney who is 4 and has been potty trained for a LONG time always wants me to help her. I tell her, "you live here, you know where the potty is!"

We are also dealing with a little psycho child. Audrey who is usually the sweetest most calm baby we've ever had has been sick and David says she is possessed. Yesterday she spent at least 25% of the day in a full blown kicking, screaming fit. If we even tried to get close to her she would get violent. We usually ended up just leaving her on the floor to scream because she wouldn't let us help her. Sometimes being a mom is just great, huh? Luckily there are good times too!

Mark and Shauna said...

That story had me in laughing out loud the entire time! How funny! I wish you lots of luck... I'm sure I'll be asking you advice in 2 years!!

Teresa said...

Let's hope she gets it out of her system before she's a teenager. Way to stand your ground, momma!

Kirsten said...

This may not be the time to tell you this but... Who ever came up with the term "terrible two's" hadn't had a 3 year old yet : ) Sorry babe, just love her and eat a lot of chocolate, and cry, and love her, and call Kelly crying (I do it to Jonathan, he never really appreciates those phone calls but it always makes me feel better) eat more chocolate, go for a run and work off all the emotional calories and love her and stick to your guns and curse your mother for cursing you and eat more chocolate, you get the picture. Love you!!!!