Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Travis's 1 year photos--Our little cowboy!
Sorry these are blurry and not so sharp. We have no scanner, so I try to take pictures of pictures...I haven't quite mastered the art as of yet. I will post more of his pictures later.

Isn't he a cutie!


Watts Family said...

I can't believe he's one! It seems like you just had him. Time fly's by! Cute pictures!

Mark and Shauna said...

Wow, 1 already? CRAZY! I swear, time goes even more quickly when you have a kid. Your previous post actually made me start getting excited about fall... although I will really miss Summer... it's always my favorite season:). Thanks for your comment on my blog, it made me feel a little better:).

Carissa said...

I'm in LOVE!!! These pictures are SO cute!

Lisa said...

The pictures turned out cute!

Ashlee said...

Those turned out great! I love the one with his hat and his surprised look!

Kirsten said...

Wow 1 already!!!! They are such cute pictures. He is darling.

Alli said...

Those are adorable Kim! How did this year go by so fast?