So bright and early Wednesday morning (5:30 be be exact), we drug Hailey out of bed and hurried to the hospital as not to be late for her surgery. They wanted us there 2 hours early of coarse, but by the time the doctor arrived to begin, it was 9:00! He had apparently had a sick child, and had to wait for his wife to come and trade off with him. This was all fine and dandy, but if you look at the picture above, you can see that Hailey was more or less "drunk" well before he arrived. They gave her some very amusing medication at about 7:30, and within 10 minutes she was blitzed--It's probably sad that we found this so amusing, but she was higher than a kite, and it was sooo funny! We took many videos of her random comments and strange songs:)
I could not get my before pictures to upload for some reason, so I will start with these two "out of it" photos. She started off kind of serious, then quickly became limp, smiley, and laughed at everything. She lost her coordination as well, the poor thing.
The actual surgery itself lasted about 5-10 minutes we were told, but the whole process was about 45 minutes. The shorter the better for two nervous parents! She came back very grumpy and whiny, and just wanted to snuggle with mom and dad.
The exhausted little girl immediately fell asleep, and stayed that way until they made her wake up to drink, and use the potty. She was not a happy camper.
Hailey's pink giraffe was her favorite thing that morning, and was quite a hit with the nurses. Giraffe even got her own bracelet and hair net so she could accompany Hailey to surgery. I love this picture of the two of them sleeping together. Hailey loves stuffed animals, and I think this one helped her to be brave and the beginning anyway. But all in all, we were told that the deflux procedure was a success, and now only time will tell if it worked this time around. We are hoping and praying that she will have no more issues or infections, and that this is the end of all that pain for Hailey.
It is so sad when kids are sick. I hope it works and everything will be fine!!
What a trooper! Wow, that medication really did the trick I guess... how funny... I want to see the videos:). Hopefully that will be her last surgery and it's all done and over with!
I am impressed that you remembered to bring your camera, with all the stress you were under. But you are right...someday she will hate you for posting all that :)
I'm so glad that everything went ok! It must have been hard to see her go through it all again!! She does look cute though in a little hospital bracelet and gown :) Poor little baby, we will pray that things go smoothly for her now too.
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