Friday, July 30, 2010

Introducing...Baby Ryan!!!

After 38 long weeks of carrying this bundle of joy, he's finally here! This little guy was quite the little surprise early Wednesday morning. I had almost given up on going into labor on my own, and was scheduled to be induced Thursday morning...but at 4:20 am I finally felt what I thought might be a contraction. We arrived at the hospital around 5:30 am, and by 6:32 am we had our little Ryan Dean Weber-- weighing in at 7 lb 3 oz, and 20 1/2 inches long. We of coarse fell in love with him immediately, and he has been such a sweet little baby ever since.

Big brother and sister think he's pretty great (especially sister). Travis was excited for a moment or two, then he got over it, but I love his silly smile in this picture. Notice the cute shirt too!

I think Ryan has two mommies--Hailey is so cute, and he is her new baby doll I'm afraid. She was constantly wanting to hold him, and stroke his little face, and tell him "it's alright baby Ryan, it's alright."

The proud daddy, being a huge dork! I think it's a pretty cute picture though.

Isn't he the cutest baby ever! Of coarse I'm sure I have said that about all my babies. He really is such a good baby so far ( the whole 2 days we've known him anyway), and we are so overly happy to have him in our lives. Here's hoping 3 kiddos doesn't kill us off, lol.


Mark and Shauna said...

Congratulations! He's a beautiful baby! I love that picture with Hailey and Travis... perfect depiction of boys vs girls with babies... Hailey stroking and caring for her new brother/live baby doll;P and Travis making a face at the camera. You have 3 beautiful kids!

Mike and Alicia said...

Congrats, he's so cute! I can't wait to meet him in a few weeks (probably)!

Kirsten said...

Yea, I'm so happy he's here and yes he is the cutest ever. What a bundle of joy.

Carissa said...

I'm so glad that everything went well for you. I can't wait to get to know him better. He is such a sweetheart.

I Love the pictures. You should upload pictures of all 3 of them right after birth so we can do a real comparison to see who Ryan looks like. Although I still say he totally looks like Hailey as baby. But I only have mental images to compare to. :)

Watts Family said...

Congrats! I love the picture of Hailey and Ryan. Super cute!! I hope you get in the swing of three kids easily! it will be a cake walk I bet!!

Jed and Amanda said...

I love the pictures of Ryan, Hailey and Travis. So cute! They look like they love their brother a lot. He is so cute!

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Beautiful family:) Thanks for sharing.