Tuesday, November 29, 2011

More catching up

Here are the much delayed photos of Hailey's first day of kindergarten. I took them with our other camera, and forgot. So here they are, wasn't she cute!

She was even more excited when we arrived at school!

We love this cute little girl.

Here's the family in our costumes at the ward Halloween party. Notice Hailey decided to wear more than one costume this year. She made an awfully cute Rapunzel too!

But Dorothy was my favorite costume she wore. She was perfect...

Even with this cheesy smile :)

This is our traditional Halloween meal. We eat sloppy Joe's, with Jack-o-lantern faces carved in cheese.

There are my three cuties at Grandma and Grandpas house, getting ready to head out trick-or-treating.


Captain Hook...

And our little snugly dinosaur!

The baby got heavy, so luckily we had Grandpa along to help carry the load. I think Grandpa got a snickers bar or two out of it :)

They had so much fun, and declared hat Halloween is their favorite holiday!

Here is some pictures from family home evening, when we decided to do some pumpkin bowling. The kiddos loved this simple homemade game.

And some cute Fall photos from home and a day at the park-

This was a fun little craft project we did one afternoon.

And Ryan, at 15 months, finally decided to start walking about a week ago, on November 19th or so.

This was the perfect Fall day at the park. I am so glad I got off my behind and took them outside, because it was wonderful!

My little daredevil

Drumming on a tree trunk

Chillin at home with their plums.

And Ryan is now climbing on everything, like our huge bed.

silly boy-

And he thinks he's a big boy that can sit with the big kids too.

Ww briought our Christmas toys and decorations out a bit early this year...yes before Thanksgiving, but the kids were so excited. We love Christmas at htis house!

And he recently started to pull up a chair to help out inteh kitchen too. The really do mimic everything their older siblings do, don't they.

Haileys pilgrim hat, so cute!

And turkey placemat from school.

And these were the pilgrim hat cookies we made for thanksgiving. Hailey and Travis had a blast making these.

Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Carissa said...

I love all the pictures. You have had a lot of fun this fall, I can't wait to see what you do for Christmas!

Oh, and you can NEVER AGAIN say "You are such a good Mom because you do fun things with your kids and I never do." because this post is proof that you do AMAZINGLY fun things with your kids. You had so many cute ideas. Bowling, Jack'o'lantern cheese, pilgrim hat cookies, going to the park. The most I do is draw pictures. HA HA.