We visited at Ashlee's adorable home for a while, then set off for Wildlife Safari (compliments of Ashlee...thanks Ash!) The kids were having so much fun looking at the animals...
... But even more fun playing in the back seat together.
Trying to catch them all in one photo is near impossible.
We finally saw the hippo out of the water!
Travis spent much of the time on my lap with his face pressed against the window, pointing at animals. He was so excited to see the "horses".
My camera kept running out of battery power, but I snapped the photos I could. Thankfully between my friends and I we got a lot of cute pictures of our day together...I hope. Here were my kids and Bennett enjoying the playground in the village. Unfortunately Ashlee being the kind person she is had to head back early to babysit for a friend.
Why is it impossible for both of my children to look at the camera at the same time?
And the Goose bite! Yes my son was bit by a goose on the lip, and boy did it swell up. Unfortunately I didn't get a good shot right when it happened, so the swelling was much reduced by the time I took this pic, but you can see the outline of the beak on his face, lol
We were simply walking by a chain link fence with geese behind it, and my two children wanted to get a closer look. I reached to pull Travis back so he didn't get a finger bitten, and that's when that crazy goose launched through the fence at his face. I was shocked, and quite freaked out since I was standing behind him and had no idea what just happened. I couldn't believe it when I looked at his face, and some old women standing by got quite the shock as well.
I took him in the gift shop to find some help right away, and thankfully they were not too worried, and were all certain that he was bit by "Charlie". Now is it just me, or should they take that goose out back and shoot him since he clearly has a reputation. Oh well, They told me some medicine to go buy, and said he should be fine...how reassuring I know. Luckily I am a fairly laid back mama after all the random health problems my wee ones have had over the past 3 years.
We can all laugh about it now, and you will be happy to know that it did not make him afraid of geese one bit...Or is that a good thing?
Hailey also had a lovely battle wound on her face that day. Apparently she and her cousin Ben were on a chair, and Hailey was pushed off and landed on the wheel of a toy car on the coffee table. It left a perfect circular bruise on her face, and it was quite nasty looking. This picture does not do it justice.
Mike always made fun of me because I always want to stay away from geese,but luckily your story has convinced him that they really are evil! :) Those two are so cute, I hope we get to see you all again soon!
Oh my goodness! Poor kid! He sounds like Jackson, even after a fall or in your case, geese biting his face... still no fear. I'm not sure how to feel about this either... concerned or glad for the "positive, get up and brush it off and do it again" attitude!:)
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