Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Potty already?

Travis came up with a new fascination to add to his list today. Last week it was climbing out of his crib, and this week I guess it is sitting on the potty! You can tell by his face that he is just thrilled to be a big boy up on the if he could only actually use the potty, hmmm.
I was making dinner when he asked if he could sit, and pointed toward the other room. I said "sure, you can sit," thinking he meant in his daddy's gaming chair in front of the T.V. He started crying when I led him to the family room, and ran down the hall saying "sit" then stopped in front of the bathroom door. I new what he wanted right away, so I put him up on the potty. He was happy as a clam for as long as I would leave him there.
Before we knew it sister had to come and use the potty, so I quickly set him aside, and guess what happened? He peed all over the floor. And to think he may have done his business in the potty if I had just waited a moment longer :) Oh well, at least the interest is there right.


Carissa said...

OH my goodness! That is so awesome! You will be one lucky Mama if he actually continues the interest in the toilet until he is trained. Talk about learning early.

I guess he wants to be a big boy RIGHT NOW!

Teresa said...

What a big boy! This is so cute. I hope potty training is a breeze for you. Go Travis!

Ashlee said...

Best of luck to you!!! Send some potty vibes Tyler's way! :)...Ben's way too ( He is trained with lots of reminding:)