Thursday, September 24, 2009

First Day of Preschool

Last Tuesday was my baby girls first day of preschool. Wow, how time flies. I know it's only preschool, but it makes me feel old and nostalgic all the same. Hailey was so excited to go, and even more excited when she ran into cousin Ben on her way in. (Notice how she is all decked out in her fall leaf dress, since it was the first official day of fall :)

Hailey had to hang her jacket on the letter"H" of coarse, and Ben chose the ice cream cone.

When we came to pick them up, Hailey was a little booger! She was definitely ready for a nap, and was very upset that she did not get to paint. She thought she could have a turn doing everything before she went home, and mean mommy had to burst her bubble. This was the closest thing to a smile I could get out of her after the fit.

And the kiddos in front of the North Eugen High School sign. This is where I went to school, and preschool for that matter. It's fun to see toys and activities that I remember as a small child. Little Hailey grows smarter and more aware every day, and I look forward to watching her grow and develop even more this school year.


Carissa said...

I can't believe that your baby girl is old enough to be in preschool! What is this world coming to when our children grow up so quickly?!

Kirsten said...

She is such a cutie pie. Love her Fall dress.

Ashlee said...

Wow seeing them in front of the North sign is so weird! They will be in high school before you know it!!!
She looked adorable for her first day! I am glad that she enjoys it.

Teresa said...

Hailey is such a sweet little girl. I love that sparkle in her eyes! She's so cute in Nursery. I hope that she has a wonderful time in preschool!

P.S. NEHS was my school, too. That sign brings back a lot of memories!

Lisa said...

Send me these pix! :) Please!!!

Alli said...

Wow- what a little lady! I don't think I'll do any kind of official preschool till next year with Claire, but she sure does get excited about the idea of going to school. I bet Hailey is loving it!