Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas cuties

Kelly went to pick up Hailey from preschool the other day, and to my surprise brought home Rudolph the red nosed reindeer instead! How cute is that, I love preschool crafts!

I had to throw this in because we died laughing when we found her like this. Hailey threw an absolute fit at bedtime that night, so we just let her scream and cry until she wore herself out...and boy did it work. We went to check on her once it was quiet, and to our surprise we hit her with the door as it opened. How does one fall asleep sitting up? She was sound asleep sitting right next to the door, it was hilarious.

Here are the kids matching Christmas Jammie's (I decided I couldn't wait until Christmas eve, so I will just take them back and wrap them, and the kids will never know the difference right). They were so excited about them, and were dancing and putting on a show for us.

You can see their individual stages, they will stand and dance on whatever they can find...unfortunately. I sure enjoy those two cuties though, and they make the holidays worthwhile.


Carissa said...

Those pj's are SO cute! I love them.
And Hailey is growing up so big-I love that she is already in preschool doing crafts. That is so fun. And I can't believe that she actually fell asleep next to the door-SITTING UP! That is so funny. I can't wait until she is bigger and you get to show off her funny pictures to boyfriends. HA HA HA. She will hate it. ;)

Teresa said...

Your children are so adorable. Love the matching nightgown/jammies. It looks like they're doing step aerobics in that last photo. Stinkin' cute!

Ashlee said...

That is the cutest Rudolph I've ever seen! Love the sleeping picture! That is classic! That couldn't be Travis in those pictures though-that kid was WAY too big to be little sweet Travis!

Jed and Amanda said...

Oh my gosh, they are little cuties! I love that Hailey fell asleep throwing a fit. I am sure you guys were thrilled :)

Emily Slaughter said...

Your kids are so freakin cute! I just love them! The picture of Haley asleep after her fit cracked me up. She looks so sweet, you would never know that had been throwing a fit.

Lisa said...

Hmmmm, I've seen those pj's before :) And, all my girls wore that little red nightie set - didn't you too? Man it must be really good quality!!

Alli said...

Cute pictures! I used to find Brooke and Janelle asleep in the weirdest places and positions too :)