Wednesday, April 28, 2010

It's a darn good thing she's so cute, because this child really keeps us on our toes medically! Tomorrow afternoon she goes in to the urologist to schedule another deflux procedure :( Remember how Hailey had a reflux in her ureter last year? Well she had a procedure done to correct the issue, but apparently she falls in the like 5% of patients it doesn't work on...go figure. Here's hoping round two works!


Ashlee said...

She is SO CUTE! Good Luck with round #2, Poor thing :( I would send my mom over with goodies for you but she is in about I send prayers instead.

Kirsten said...

I will be thinking of you guys. Hope all goes well. She really is such a cutie pie.

Mark and Shauna said...

She really is super cute! My goodness! We'll be thinking of you guys!