Sunday, April 15, 2012

Easter at the Weber's

I love Easter because my kiddos get so excited about everything...The eggs, baskets, bunny's, Easter Sunday, they are so into all of it, and it makes it fun for Kelly and I. We always dye eggs as a family, then go over to Grandma and Grandpas house for the whole family egg gets crazy as you will see below.

Classic Travis face, I love it!

Somehow, I think we were spill free this year at Grandmas.

Easter morning. Notice our Easter attempt to keep some symbols of the true meaning of Easter with the baskets :)

They were so excited to find their baskets and do our traditional egg hunt Easter morning. Its like Christmas, their reactions just make the holiday fun and special for everyone.

Our family Easter pictures...we don't have a tripod so we do two separate photos. Plus they will be great in case of divorce, ha ha, just kidding :)

And this was the best group shot of the three turkeys.

My beautiful little girl.

I love their Easter hats, so cute.

What a ham.

And if you haven't heard, I'm pregnant with number 4! This is my first pregnancy photo, I was about 15 weeks in this pic.

I love this boy!

And after church, we always do another traditional egg hunt and Grandma and Grandpas house. One again, it insane, but so fun to watch.

And the traditional egg roll...I don't know how many families do this, but the kids love it, and we get lots of deviled eggs out of it. We had a wonderful Easter, as usual.

1 comment:

Mark and Shauna said...

love your kids easter outfits. adorable. looks like you guys had a great easter!!