Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I love this boy!

I decided it was time to update my blog, and what better thing to update with than my sweet little boy. I love this sweet baby boy so much, and he has been such a blessing in our home. His sister adores him, him parents adore him, his grandparents and so on...He's just a great kid. When I found out I was having a boy I have to admit I was less than thrilled, but who new how great boys could be? I guess you have to have one to really know how sweet and cuddly boys are. So here are some recent pictures of our little guy that capture his cute little personality...enjoy!

He loves his bath time now that he can sit up and play with sister.

I'm surprised we got him to smile..he hates baby food!

This is Snow Whites hair...he's a great sport when his sister wants to play dress-up.


Carissa said...

He is a GREAT little boy. He is so easy going, and not to mention that he is sick right now and you wouldn't hardly notice that he had a problem. I can't believe how fast he has grown, but we sure love him.

Hailey is great too, she is so fun to have around and Bennett just adores her! He is always so happy when she is around...Thanks for having awesome kids!

Teresa said...

He is adorable - all of the time! Our baby boy isn't such a baby anymore, but he's also a cuddler. It's wonderful!

Margaret said...

He IS a cutie!

Ashlee said...

That last picture is a riot!!! Boys are fun! I am sure glad that you had one!

Lisa said...

I like the picture of him with Snow White hair...he looks like one of the beatles!

Mark and Shauna said...

Cute pictures!:) I love that Hailey dresses him up!

Jerolyn and Matt said...

How cute! He is just adorable! Hope you guys are doing well!

rachel said...

I totally know what you mean about how awesome having a boy is once they're here. Christian is my little boyfriend just as I'm sure Travis is yours.
Enjoy that little man of yours. He's a doll.

Ashlee said...

Where are you friend???