Saturday, February 7, 2009

Alright already you guys...I promise I will post again soon. I have been way wrapped up in sick kid after sick kid, after yet again sick kid. This week I have been very sick on top of that, and boy did it hit me hard. I was lying in bed yesterday thinking how on earth my mother and many others like her took care of 9 children or more while they were sick? I still haven't figured out how they did it, and 2 has been almost more than I can handle. We were previously discussing getting pregnant around our anniversary in May, but...We suddenly realized we aren't nuts, and December is starting to look really good! I guess we will have to see. Sorry for the lack of picture, but a picture of me or my children sick just didn't seem very appealing :)


Ashlee said...

Yuck! I am so sorry that you are sick! I didn't mean to give you a hard time. I wish I was there to give you a little break or something:(
Get well soon!

Carissa said...

Kim!! How did you get sick? You never get sick. I guess that after having sick kids for 3 weeks now it's bound to happen. I'm sorry! I hope that you are feeling a little better today...I hope you're getting some much needed rest so that you can get better. Let me know if you need any help with the kids...I'll help out where ever I can.

Carissa said...

Oh Kim, Your comment was hilarious! I think the last time my house was that clean was his last birthday party...ha ha. :)
I will definitely have fun at Disneyland and I will be thinking of you the whole time....well, maybe not the WHOLE time.
Feel better so we can hang out soon!

Watts Family said...

I just got over being sick and I asked myself the same thing how did my mom ever do this. I was lucky and Mike stayed home with me. I was in the bathroom for 24 hrs. I couldn't have done it with out him. I feel your pain.

rachel said...

You just HAD Travis and are already thinking of another one???? Oh girl, wow.


