Friday, March 6, 2009

More Hailey Issues

Enough already, I'm starting to feel guilty about my pregnancy with Hailey...Did I eat the right foods, did I take enough vitamins etc. When they placed little Hailey in my arms she looked as healthy as could be, but little by little her medical records are filling up with one health issue after another.
I will say that I was so thankful for the speakers at the adult session of our stake conference, because they made me put our little health trials with our own children into perspective. Compared to them and many others, the health issues in our home have been so small, and we are so grateful for that. That being said, we still have to ask when is it all gonna end?
So here's the deal for those of you who don't know Hailey's latest issue. Hailey had a fairly bad urinary tract infection a month and half ago, so the pediatrician sent us to the hospital to have an ultrasound done. I do not know for the life of me what the actual test is called, but basically they pumped her bladder full of iodine, then watched her pee. Well, the doctors and I did not expect to see any problems, but apparently Hailey does have a problem with one of her kidneys (I should have seen that one coming). The test showed her urine traveling back up to her right kidney, which as you might imagine is not a good thing.
After about a week of waiting , we finally talked with a specialist about treatment. Sometime in the next month Hailey will have a minor surgery to correct what they call a reflux. They will go inside her with a camera and small needle and inject a small object that will stop the urine from traveling back up to her kidney. Thankfully this should only take about 5-10 minutes to do if all goes well. I am so thankful that this is all it takes to correct the problem, and for now we are OK with the whole idea, though I'm sure if you talk to me on the day of surgery I will have very different feelings.
Well, wish Hailey luck, and keep her in your prayers!


Watts Family said...

I'm sorry you have to go through this. I bet the surgery will go as well as possible and she will be as good as new. I know it's hard when your going through issues, but the lord is always with you watching over you. We will keep her in our prayers and i hope everything goes great.

Kirsten said...

I am so grateful that it is on the minor side, but still very sorry that she, and you, have to go through this. I hope you are holding up okay we will keep Hailey and your family in our prayers, keep us posted.

Ashlee said...

I am so glad that they found out the problem and can fix it. Poor thing! Our prayers are with you and Hailey.

Margaret said...

Thank goodness for doctors and tests and their ability to track down problems in these days. I will sat a prayer for your little girl and for you too.

And...don't blame yourself. I'm sure you ate just fine when you were pregnant.

Jerolyn and Matt said...

That is so scary! I hope that the surgery goes well. We will definitely keep you guys in our prayers. Good luck!

Alli said...

Small surgery or not, it's still stressful when it's your little girl! I hope she's okay.

Lisa said...

The amazing thing about your little girl is that nothing gets her down. Her problems stress you, but she just takes it all in stride and keeps on living her adventurous life!

LeaAnne said...

You have a great little girl! Kim you are a wonderful Mommy! You will be brave for her I know!

rachel said...

Man, I am so behind on the news... maybe I should camp out in the mother's lounge just to get my Kim chats in.
Has the surgery already happened? How did it go?? Gosh, I am so sorry for all Hailey has to go through. Big hugs to all.